Marketing Strategy to Show Up on Google Discover
As we all know, Marketing isn’t child’s play. It requires some amount of intelligence, a little sprinkle of shrewdness, and a whole lot of hard work. Everybody wants to do successful marketing to have success in their venture, but few succeed. The reasons why they succeed are numerous, but today, we will delve deeper into the Hercules of Content Marketing: SEO or Search Engine Optimization. To be more precise, we will be researching SEO in one particular search engine: Google.
What is SEO?
In one of our previous blogs, we discussed SEO in detail. But, to be fair to those who just discovered us, I’ll do a short recap on SEO.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the most important steps in Content Marketing. It is preparing one’s e-commerce webpage in such a way that a search engine selects it in its top results. You use SEO to increase traffic, i.e., to increase the number of people to whom your webpage can reach. For more information about SEO, check out our previous blog.
Let us move to Google, the search engine we will be discussing in detail today.
What is Google Discover?
Google, one of the biggest search engines around, launched this feature, then known as Google Feedback in December 2016. Users could stay updated with their favorite stories with this collection of cards. So, it can be said that Google Feed, now Google Discover, is a collection of all social media feeds which contains everything that the user had shown interest in. The main motive of Google Discover is to allow their users to search easily.
How to optimize for Google Discover?
Long story short, with Google Discover, you have more options to use it as a part of your SEO. When your SEO will be given the power of Google Discover, just imagine the traffic that will be created on your website. According to Google, it has some 800 million users or more.,
Unlike SEO, keywords have little to no use here, because Google Discover isn’t searching for the user’s query, but rather, bringing answers to them automatically.
However, your webpage will get optimized with a few other things.
- A-Class Content:
Top-quality SEO Content is very important. Google wants its users to see the best and nothing less than it. So, for showing up on Google Discover there is a small step to do beforehand: gathering some audience who will like your webpage. You can do this by personalized e-mails or vlogs, posts, and pictures on social media, specifically asking the audience to go to your website. Once they have visited your website, Google Discover adds your website as one field of the user’s interest, and voila!
- Good Videos and Images:
Written content isn’t the only thing that Google bases its user’s interest open. A specific kind of image or video can also serve the purpose. In its announcement, Google pointed out that its users would be seeing more images and fresh visual content in the Discover feed. So make sure to use attractive images and personalized or product-focused videos on your webpage.
- Building Trust:
In the course of writing blogs for marketing strategies, we must have said it a thousand times: build trust with your audience, build a relationship by using videos, images, and most importantly, reps and influencers who will eliminate any doubt in the customer’s heart about the authenticity of your product.
- Promote, promote, promote:
You need to promote your webpage(outside of Google Feed) to get more people on your webpage. Make them add your webpage to their “interests”.
Google is one of the biggest search engines out there, and Google Discover is used by millions of users. If one works smart, then they can easily hack (legally, of course) into the concept of SEO in Google and help their business ventures to reach new heights.